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How to get through the pit hole opening thingy

hang onto the wall


today was the PERFECT day to check the game out


Im dropping in in a couple hours, stay tuned

Sry, its been 12 hours. I thought I can make it in 2h loool


when will the game be fully released??

Tomorrow lol



Will this game have horror elements, like the original video? another question, will it have new characters, that will envoke fear into my every being? also, will there be a story, and ending?

(3 edits)

It will have parts of the original, tho i wouldn’t call them horror. More like lighthearted dread. And yes, there will be some sort of ending.


Is the Meatball Man in this game?

Not in the Demo version.


So I suppose I'll have to wait for the full version to see that iconic ball of meat, huh?

I can live with that :)




is there any plans on making a mobile version? Maybe if yes, you can make it controller only?


I can try exporting as a APk. And see if it runs, I think it would be more optimized than playing on the web just also cuz its downloadable. If it works ill do that, just again only with controller. If not u can still play it on web.


is there a newer version of the game that I can't see in the downloads section? i'm asking this because in the 'current' demo there's a button in the top right area of the start menu, but in the version i'm playing i dont see a button. The most recent one i can see is version 0.2.5

(2 edits) (+1)

That is true, the one downloadable is 0.2.5 but the most recent was 0.3 but I apparently removed that, it should not matter that much because the full game is soon gonna be released. Lol I now realized ur still the same dude just making separate comments, my bad. Sorry for repeating myself, but yeah just wait a bit.


when the full version is released are there going to be small details like pikit's eye moving or no

There are gonna be a lot of small references from the original. His eye doesn’t really look around cuz its just a small sprite, but he is looking at your direction and does blink some time. nothing too complex

is there going to be a cutscene for his dialogue and/or the part where runmo sits down?

(1 edit)

or will it just be a text box with dialogue in it


idk if this is a bug or not, but i noticed that lifes aren't actually decreasing from my count: are they just a simple collectible, or will losing them be actually implemented?

A gameover system wasn’t implemented yet so that’s why you don’t actually lose lives, it will function correctly in the final game, which will be released very soon!

(1 edit) (+1)

also is there a new version of the project runmo file or is it just the demo? another question i have (sorry if this is taking your time away :/) is that when you do finish the game eventually, is it still going to be on and will it be free or have to be bought?

It will be free, and it will come out in the following days. So stay tuned!


idk if this is a problem with the file that i got but even when I press the keyboard icon in the settings/controls tab it won't switch (i'm talking about the old version btw) also for the demo is there a way to get to level 2?

I dont know what you mean exactly with the keyboard thing, its been a long time since ive seen that version, but it is missing a lot of features and some stuff just got added as placeholders and dont actually function well. And for the current demo u will have to press on that Icon on the start menu that is on the top right, to enter level 2. This will all change in the final game.

I don't see a button on the top right... is the menu with the 2 buttons 'game' and 'exit' the start menu? 

my bad, the downloadable version, 2.5 currently is older than I thought, u cant really play the newer levels I guess. Just ignore all that stuff for now and wait for the final game, it is coming really soon.


Good but is there a way to pass my first level and that of the person?

I assume with “the person” u mean the underground level which currently is only accessible through the credits button. Well as of right now, no. There is a second level tho(the storage) which u can just enter by finishing the underground one first. So in this current version you are playing there are only 3 levels available. There will be 8 in the final game.

ok I already played the storage and also in the 1st level I even completed the impossible jump of the 1st level but my question is how is the rope or that wrecking ball platform in the warehouse?

I have no idea what you mean with that question. What do you mean how is it in the warehouse? What I can tell you is that the level currently ends there. For the full release you will be able to continue the game from there and enter new levels.

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Hello, sorry if I sound like an idiot asking this question, but how do I enter the tutorial?

Hey there, the tutorial section was removed from this version and there also will be no in the final game.


man it really brings the og video to life


I love it. I wish there was a full game for me to download right now. I love the art style. And the music and sound effects, just the way they blend together so well. This is honestly the best platformer I've played in a while. Keep up the amazing work man.

Thanks dude, I highly appreciate ur words, I try my best to make this an enjoyable experience!

No problem man. This game is actually quite addicting its that fun.


and I found a random cut in the level is that intentional or a bug?


can you pls add mobile controls so I can enjoy it without Bluetooth 


Dont click the account thing it's creepy 



can you make this in the browser or crome os compatible i only have a cromebook



name the pikit controller clikit and make it so i can keep it forever

How many levels are there in this version curently?



for some dumbass reason all of my pc "firewall" think this is a virus


its normal, because there is some information missing when exporting the project, windows will just assume its harmful, gotta figure out how to fix that.


the game is just slow. don't know what else to say, the movement just doesn't feel good. there might be potential in this, it is only the demo after all but I don't have much hope for it.

The movement is already being worked on, the new demo is gonna release in a few weeks hopefully. I made the movement less floaty and I will find out some movement mechanic that is simple but makes it more fun to move around and speedrun.


nice to hear that the movement is being worked on! Btw is it possible you can make so that you can dive while on the ground? It feels weird like how it is now where you can only dive while in the air.

thats exactly something I am working on!

question, will the game be available on a page or for mobile phones? 

Not planning to at the moment


How do you dive on keyboard?

It says on the page which buttons do what

on KEYBOARD the movements page is only CONTROLLER 

It literally says all the keyboard buttons right underneath the controller button layout image

I just wanted to say if you turn around right before you die you end up glitching through the wall/obstacle

Never saw this glitch, thanks for letting me know!


I think it would be cool to add the option for a "hardmode", where the lives would count down and the signs wouldnt save like the original, or even remove some shortcuts. also sick game btw


where is deez

Deez what



(1 edit) (+2)

I ABSOLUTElY LOVE THIS! The only things I would personally recommend is adding separate signs for keyboard controls, and a way to communicate to the player that you can get a bigger horizontal walljump by holding the button down instead of just tapping. While the kinda slippery controls do match the character, it doesn't really blend well with the tight levels as there are plenty of times where poor little Runmo just slid into spikes, which is kinda annoying. As far as that I do really like this so far and I can't wait to see what's next!

Thank you for checking this game out. Im glad u enjoyed it so far, I am currently working on improving the controls and finding out some better “physics” so its more intuitive.


Wow, that was so long ago, and look how much this game has grown! This is just amazing, and the fact that you let this game be open source is awesome too!

hey, ye I think u played one of the demos I released back then, cool u came back. also its not open source, the project file is just available for others to mod. Open source would mean everyone can take it and have full rights to it, meaning they could make their own game and sell it, which I do not support.


i suggest making revives act less like revives and more like collectibles dotted throughout the map since there isn't really a revive system in the game (and also revives just suck in the modern day where games don't need to be stupidly hard to make the game last more than 30 minutes) an example of a spot in the first level would be in the spike pit there are coins used to guide the player to a dash walljump i jumped down to see if there was anything but i couldn't find it and if something was there the controls were too slippery for me to do anything about it.

tl;dr turn revives into collectibles and make the controls smoother 

Thanks for checking this game out. Currently already working on better controls. I dont quite understand tho what ur referring to when u say the revives should be collectables?


I think they mean the extra lives? Personally, I think the final game should just have an option to play with/without unlimited lives.
Making lives act like collectibles sounds interesting, I guess if you wanted to you could track how many lives were found in each level so completionists get a sense of accomplishment for finding them all

thanks for clarifying my point, i was thinking of that in a lore sense since we did see that lives were used to make juice for the kings live off of before runmo did a runmo


I like it but I do have two small suggestions, One make the springs have friction, they're too small for the bouncy-sliding that happens on them to work, & it just makes it a chore to jump on them. Two, map the dive button to just also be a jump button. I don't know how this feels on controller, but I'm using a keyboard & it's rough on the fingers. It just feels like a weird double jump, so I'd suggest you make it that. Or dont. Not like either of these ruin this game, it's very fun, even in this demo experience. All the other controls feel nice & fluid & the artstyle is lovely.


Thanks for checking the game out! I appreciate your feedback. I am currently working on the character controls to make them feel a bit better.


Enjoyed both the levels even if unfinished. thought the difficulty was good. Great so far can't wait for the full release

(2 edits) (+1)

i think some ideas could be input to the game majorly. some progressive (unlockable) abilities, possibly boss battles (more than what was just seen in the film), secrets (or secret boss battles), unlockable characters, like the "jumpmo" you would see in the film (spoilers btw sryy). If you need help developing i can help, i dont have much experience with game developing at all, but i need some more knowledge and expertise before i can start making my own games. i am able to make alot of good ideas for games though, being a "natural at theorycrafting" (my friends say that).

edit: i just saw it uses godot engine, but i use "gamemaker studio 2", so if you do end up accepting, im fine with switching dev-tools

if you do end up needing another developer, my discord is "The Game Squad#8371" if you want to contact me

Thanks for checking the game out! The scope of the project is already set, I wont be adding anything like unlockable abilities because its not a metroidvania. “Bosses” will also not be part of it, tho it will have the bigger characters as enemies. And Im glad to hear ur interested in doing gamedev. The game is a solo project and I dont work with anyone else on it. I appreciate ur interest in it tho.


I like it but the controls feel a tad clunky, makes even the tutorial infuriating to play through, didn't manage to finish it


Im working on it!


BTW, the level design is amazing, and the pixel design is pretty, but the level one is "kinda" harsh, due to the lack of checkpoint and the level being so long. And also, you can't complete the tutorial level. Hope the feedback helps!


Thanks for your feedback and for checking this game out! The levels in the demo are in general pretty generic, I didn’t put much time into them because they are just for the demo, so in the full release I will put much more thought into them. The “Tutorial” cant be beat yes, but no level can be rn, because there is no level ending screen or anything like that yet.

Has this changed? I've been reading through every comment to see how to get past the tutorial, as Ive now collected everything I could find. I know I can go into the account for another level, but Ill need to lose all my glorious progress


Hey, is it possible to become a part of this project? I've also started learning game development on the Godot engine that you are using. I kinda already have the experience, and have the base knowledge of how to program a standart feature for a game AND I can understand how that feature is working, which is also an important aspect in programming. Hope you'll review this comment and think about it. 


They that is very nice, we need more Godot devs, the engine is really accessible for new people especially. While I am not needing any people to help me with the project, you can still join our Discord and share your thoughts or just hang out, we got some other devs there, and even two people who also work on a runmo game themselves!


very nice, tutorial kinda sucked tho. I died, like, at least 150 times. (idk maybe I'm just bad at bideo games lmao)


Ur, not the only one. While some people found it not that hard, a lot of people found it hard. It is not an actual tutorial that will be in the full game, its just for the demo, and the difficulty in the full release will be much smoother.


They even have the life extraction point at the bottom of the og hole from the animation such a good detail

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