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This is a really fun and addicting game, it's also easy to get into speedrunning it. It's exactly like the video, and the platforming is fun. It's a perfect game! It took a few days to beat. 


Can you make the game for androids too?

In play store?

(1 edit)

how do i dive in the game? ive been trying to figure out for the past coupple of minutes. edit: i made account just to ask


Press the specials button while ur in the air.


okay thank you! also very good fan game


yo thx for the follow!

(1 edit)

i think it would be cool if on top of the spike switch pole of the start, there coud be a lil Easter Egg. (EDIT) i forgor no more updates

Someone made a mod that adds a little secret level above the pole. Check for the modding page of the game. Ull find it on the modding panel.

Alright, i’l check it then


I've just beaten the game with 0 lives left. Just think about it in the context of the Youtube video.

You beat it the canon way

Hia, I found a bug by accident. You can clip into this ceiling right here, at the beginning of the final part in the king area. I was just getting the extra life when it happened. It seems like it's not hard to pull off.

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is it possible to get out of it again?

(2 edits)

yeah, it's not a soft lock, just a little bug. I didn't try, but I think you can go into the ceiling further. That might result in getting stuck, but that's not easy to do.

(1 edit)

the fangame may be in Spanish


ive never wanted to punch my monitor more than when playing this game, 10/10 would recommend



I've just done the 100% it was indeed painful those crouch dash bits in gastral give-away are awful  -_-

the giant saws in the small hallways in gastral giveaway were the hardest part of it for me


the Gameplay is incredible, The graphics were Focused just on the Animation, this is awesome, really awesome.

I've always wanted to see an actual game based on this lil' animation, nice to see that my dream finally came true. 


How do I start the game? I clicked start and nothing happened :(

U cant use ur mouse for buttons, but you will have to press once on the game screen if ur on browser so itch io knows ur tryna play the game. After that just press on start game using whatever control device you have.

It still doesn't work :( is this game only made for windows? I'm on mac


if you downloaded the exe it won’t work on Mac. I think macs version of that is DMG files. You will have to play the browser version

enter or spacebar select


please add the ability to go back to previous areas


why not?


Cuz the way the game is built doesn’t allow for that, it would take way too much time to implement for me. Just read the page cuz I already said that no more updates are coming. I already added small things for the last 3 weeks and I can’t keep on adding new stuff. The game is done

oh ok thats fair


way too hard for me XD, still a very fun game for me and for everyone else!

Deleted 328 days ago

I actually did change that, you are probably still on the older version

Deleted 328 days ago

Love the game! I beat it 100% but just wanted to let you know that there's a bug when spawning into the gastric gauntlet, for me it spawned the player at a random checkpoint halfway through so I didn't get the chance to try any of the gauntlet before that point.


Hey, congrats on completion! I’m glad you liked it. And yes I was aware, I had to change it and it’s fixed now!


Loving it.

casually replies to an old post (“loving it” just reminded me of a McDonald’s ad lol)

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I can't really get over the game-over mechanic, probably just not the game for me, or i didn't pick up on something big about hoarding lives :\

I hope I'm not missing out on too much since I'm certain you've put some new stuff in here

oh also why are Z and L special when they're not labeled

If you still wanna see for yourself what the full game has there is a 100% Speedrun of it. Also, not all buttons were shown on the page because it would be overwhelming, you can even play the game by only using a single mouse.

thank you! ill give it a watch, then. mouse only sounds like a nightmare, but the support is a great fun thing

The top comment from the runner of that speedrun actually links to some improved speedruns:


shift also activates your special


Gooseworx talked about this on GlitchX >:3

Yup someone on discord told me, very exciting! Kinda scared tho for the day when she actually talks about it on her socials and a ton of new people play it….



took me a couple hours but damn this is so well made!



i want to see a linux port

It works just use latest stable wine on the exe.

i was at the hardest part to the ending and i die from the ball spikes and i jumped over it and i die

I loaded up the game and what

(2 edits)

What do you mean, are you having problems?

yeah, the game keeps loading with this exact same screen. pls help

if you want please join our discord so we can figure this out a bit easier. But from all the info I have rn I cant really help much. Are you sure you are pressing the right button? On the menu there is a game button, this is the one you need to press to start the game. It seems like your playthrough never started because u have 0 of everything. Maybe you just pressed the button on the top right corner instead? Because that one does send you to this screen.

well, I already reopen the tab and it works properly now. But, last time, every time I clicked game, It would send me to this screen



I have just finished the "special level", burning through ~70 lives in the process... and can I just say: This game is sick. Truly the result of a diseased mind. The difficulty ramp up is perfect, starting out "Sure fine", and ramping up to... uhhh... truly deranged levels.     All the hidden knooks and crannies feel great, and reward exploring. The various "key coins" are hidden in great spots. And the story elements from the orginal video are woven in nicely.

Gotta say, did take me a while to figure out what the controls are the controls. (Up is speak? "Special" is both roll and used mid jump to "pop")

Very cool. Very nicely done. There is so much I love here, and so much I hate (God damn those Drop platforms in the special level with the roll-jump-hop needed).

Thanks for a great game.

Well thank you so much for playing! And congrats on full completion aswell, Im glad you enjoyed the game!


so much love and rage playing this game w gooseworx


Hey just a heads up the game kinda wigs out when you use a switch controller, Idk if this is just a me issue but it seems the jump and special button are being mashed constantly even when they arent pressed kinda just causing to fly all over the place.

This shouldn’t happen, I think your controller might be broken lol

I mean the controller works for other games which is why I thought you should know

(1 edit)

Found this easter egg on the level after meatball man but I have no idea what it is or does. Love the game by the way!


Hey again, I have a other a weird glitch that let's you run twice as fast and if frame perfect it can cause a crash. Another one is if you spam enter on the title screen you can crash the game or bug out the audio. I have a Chrome OS so I was already surprised when i was even able to run the game. My glitches might stem from this.

Running twice as fast???? What version did you download? No joke tho your system seems to attract these hidden glitches. I never heard of that would love to see it for myself.

I run a model xe500c13 Samsung chrome book on the html version of the game. Linked here is some of the glitches. At the end I just found out you can double dash if you do the first glitch then dash again. I can't really pull it off though, I am not use to keyboard and mouse.

Ohhh ye I think I know what ur talking about now, someone on our discord also figured that one out recently, pretty interesting. Thx for the recording.

Absolutely incredible, well done. Extremely faithful and carefully put together, will absolutely be going back to explore more

Dying takes to long.


Hey i found a bug where jerry is missing can you fix that?


hey is it a bug when you kill the red spiky dudes and die if you jump on the side of there head? They die but you die too? 

Its a bug you could say, u are hitting a spot where you touch the hitbox but also the hurt box of the enemy at the same time, it’s a pixel-perfect thing.


I think I got bad luck man, it has happens  to me a few times. But I did enjoy the game.

(3 edits) (+2)

would it be possible to make a linux build of this game? i would love to make a tool assisted speedrun for it

edit: i downloaded the assets and built it for linux, and it runs perfectly in libtas! starting work on a tas soon

that sounds sickk, wish you luck! <:)


update: DAMN is this game BLOODY HARD and i love it for it


Came here after watching the Dev's speedrun, I died at the... magical space dog god of death? Idk, it's been a bit since I've watched the animation, haha! It's really fun to explore and I admit I do like when a game pushes me to be better and better to survive and win. Going back in for round two! Great job creating this fun work of art, I bet Gooseworx is proud!


Glad you enjoy your playtime! Thanks for the nice words, I appreciate that a lot.


Inside Temp King was a frustrating blast! I believe I died a total of 62 times in that stage alone. Started over the save too since I played on browser. Finally 100% it today! Once again, excellent work! I hope you plan on making more games!


the gameplay and sprites are amazing but grobletombus can go fuck himself

bug report: sometimes when holding left or right on keyboard, the music stops and starts rapidly creating this weird glitched sounding musi

Does this just happen randomly in a level? Or just when u enter a new level? Cuz there is a glitch where sounds arenbuggy when loading a new scenen and it just has to do woth the game engine and the web version.

I dont think so. But when i hold down L/R it does the loop glitch, and then when I jump it seems to work fine again. but now that I think about it, it does "reset" when ever i enter a new level.

very weird, never seen or heard of that before. Would be interesting to see how that actually looks and sounds like, uf you want you can share it on our discord on bug report if it even occurs and u happen to record it.

I would, but I don't have anything to record it, and even then I don't really know how. I know that this isn't helpful news to hear, and trust me that when I say that i wish I could share the issue in video for, I would. apologies.


Genuinely a wonderful game! I think it even very much surpasses the animation it adapted. Feels great to play and looks amazing. Bloody good work

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The game doesn't save ur progress.
I've beaten the entirety of the main game twice and I ain't loosin allat again.

Maybe it's a me problem, but do you know if there's a way I can back up my save?

Sry there will be no way to save it. If u wanna skip steps and explore levels at ur pace I will be making a modded version that lets u teleport anywhere.

why doesnt it do that?

Because I would have to code that feature in and its a bit more complicated than just coding the game itself. I am not the most experienced programmer, Ive only been coding since working on this project. Also If I do a saving system there would be more additions like deleting progress, save files, and the whole system of how the game currently works would need to be redesigned. like for example what happens if u quit and its saved, next time u open the game where are you exactly supposed to spawn again? will you start at level 1 again? if not I would need to define spawnpoints or level startingpoints, it gets more complicated and I just wanna leave it where it is. Most people play the game under 40 min so I thought it would be fine. If not then I guess you will just have to do multiple runs, its just how it is now.

Maybe try a password system like the old-school games? that doesnt seem hard

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