1. The game does NOT save your data when you close the game.exe.

2. Returning to the Menu will NOT reset your progress.

3. "Game Over" will NOT kill your progress, you will just start at level 1.


Little Runmo - The Game, is a 2D platformer game originating from an animated Youtube film called "Little Runmo" made by the creator Gooseworx. The Story revolves around a fictional videogame character trying to survive with his last life.

The gameplay of Little Runmo - The Game, is based on the video but also takes inspiration from the Super Mario games. For fans that come from the animation, the game is not a 1 to 1 replica of the animated film. I am not trying to make this a hardcore Meatboy-type game, I want to introduce challenging moments but I will try to make the difficulty curve as smooth as possible.

The early game will be pretty chill, just imagine how the Mario games were designed, then newer harder mechanics get slowly introduced. Big inspirations again were Mario World and Super Mario Bros Wii and also a fan-game called Mario 63.


February 2023 The Game is in development since August 2022. Back then I only worked on the assets and recreated everything that was seen in the actual animated film. Actual programming started roughly between December 2022 and January 2023, so that's how you know I'm still a programmer newbie, so please don’t expect something as big as Celeste or Hollow Knight. But don’t get your hopes up yet, I am learning with every passing week and trying to improve my skills, and I am trying the get the best out of this project with all of my available skills. I am also the only one working on the sprites, code, promotional stuff, and more.

June 2023 Since I published the first trailer of the game a lot of things happened, firstly multiple versions got released for people to play, and I worked on improving the main mechanics so the rest of the game will be as fun as possible.

Also, there is someone working on the music for the game, while I didn’t want to include anyone at first, I still had to make the decision to let someone be part of the project so he can make the music. I am not experienced enough, nor do I have the capabilities to recreate any of the original Runmo soundtracks. That's why Rodirod is now part of the team. I am currently still polishing and working on mechanics.

September 2023 Well, now it is September and it's the final stage of the development of this game, I am putting the whole game together and making it functional, so that things like the live/collectible system, level transitions, background music, and other stuff work, so in the final build it can be played like an actual game.

The game is rather small, think of something like Super Mario Bros on the NES, and even then, it's smaller than that one since it has fewer levels, to compensate I made them way longer, and also I tried to add enough checkpoints for accessibility since the game has a younger audience.

30. October 2023 So, this is the end of it. It was a fun journey! You might notice that it has been a month since the actual promised release date, and I am sorry for that. I talked about it on #Runlogs, in my Discord server. There u can see the whole development process of the game and more. Anyway, the game is out now and you can play it on Windows and on the Web if you have any other device like Mobile,Linux or Mac. Sadly I wasn't able to create specific versions for them, but the Web one will do... Have fun playing! I will be making small updates just in case there are any major bugs, but no new additions to the game! This is a final product.

5. November 2023 People asked for some updates since there are some slight issues like sprites being blacked out on the browser, this only happens on low-end devices, I tried to fix this but sadly I couldn't do anything about it, downloading the game instead would easily fix this.  If u know Godot, there is GLES3, someone on a forum said that switching to GLES2 would fix this, but it created some other problems for me so I had to switch back, and it didn't fix the main problem in the first place so it's still there. I can't do anything about it. The game has some slight problems now that are just gonna stay, it will be a problem for some, and for others, it's not gonna affect them, like the blacked-out bug, or that the game has no saving feature. Some played through the game really fast and didn't need it, and some took really long. All I can say for now is enjoy the game for what it is, u can share your opinion and feedback, but will not be working on this anymore, I fixed the main bugs that I could and this is the final final version. Take care!


Characters, Music/Sounds, Environment & Story | Gooseworx
Pixelart, Sounds, Programming, UI, Art | JuhoSprite
Music Production for Demo Music + Underground Track | Rodirod
In-game Fonts, Grape Soda & Comicoro | Jeti
Font, Onomato Shark! | Aryel Filipe

Programming / Art

Demo Soundtrack

Free HD Runmo assets with Limbs for animation

Speedrunning Community

Original Runmo animation that inspired this project


I am not active on, if you wanna ask something about the game come join the discord, if there is anything important that is not related to the game you can DM me.

- JuhoSprite


Little Runmo - The Game.exe 147 MB
Linux_Little_Runmo__0.4_.x86_64 149 MB
Little_Runmo_Demo_Windows_0.2.5_.exe 60 MB
Project_Little_Runmo_OLD_Version(Different Moveset & Level).exe 49 MB

Install instructions

When you download the EXE. you might notice a quick notification from Windows. Rest assured, this is a standard security precaution, and our game is not a virus.

Please also be aware that this site is the official and only source for downloading the game. If you obtained it from elsewhere, I cannot guarantee its safety, so exercise caution.

It's important to note that "Little Runmo" is not our property; this is a fan-created game made out of admiration for the original. Enjoy the nostalgia and have fun playing

Development log


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I cant play because of my stupid PC
Womp womp

I can't play because I'm on Xbox



(1 edit) (+1)

Juho, this game is way too hard. at least for me, skill issue but I hope you don't mind adding a save system when you have enough free time. If the no save system is just a "feature" of the game then don't add it I guess, it's more faithful to the animation and the original Super Mario Brothers without one.

if u wanna still be able to play through the different levels check out this mod that lets u teleport to every level


any mods for infinite lives?

same one, u can have cheats

man please stop the cap i can't run the mobs because i'm on the chromebook


went all the way to the right, impossible jump, couldnt go back. went all the way to the left, another impossible jump (maybe i missed some completely unexplained game mechanic that let me increase my jump height or something) didnt feel like exploring the shitty level design that entirely misses the mark on replicating the feel of the original animation and gave up

theres a dive mechanic, check out the page where it explains the controls


you must be slow on the uptake, the controls are super easy and the platforming is fine, if you want to play a game with bad level design play (i wanna be the boshi)

also this game is pretty dang cool for a free game no one asked you to play it, if you cant play platformers just say so.

Can u make a sonic mod, pls?????????? Pwetty plis wtith cherries on top, JuhoSprite?


Awwwwww! But, why NOOOOOOT?!?!

Tell... me... why...... NOOOOOOOOOOOOT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Sailor Moon: Biografía de Serena Tsukino

Hi, remember me?

yes from the other comments


It's called runmo but you can't run??? What were they THINKING!?!?!

i love tgis game so much man and.. I LOVE HOW GOOFY LOOKING HE IS :D HES SACH A SILLY LIL GUY

In The Storage Level At The Meat Ball Man Room I Can't Enter. Am I Missing Something Or Is It Broken?

press “up”

Oh Yeah I Just Guessed And I Found It But Thanks.


the only thing i want is a save system

It's so interesting

based game


your game sucks dick. do better


maybe you just suck at it





Took me about 4 Months but i finally beat the last 



nah i ain't gonna be fair, this sucks


ik JuhoSprite said no more updates but I just thought this was funny. I somehow got 8/7 and now when I try to go into where the Temp King is sleeping it won't let me bc I need 7/7 lol.



i want to get off of mr. grobletumbus' wild ride



adorable art, love runmo's face when they stick to walls or hit the floor after a big fall.

Would be nice if pikit gave actual advice or info, like the fact that the "special" is used while jumping... Besides that it isn't unforgiving, nice game, nice art, nice sound effects and music.



try a different browser. or maybe ur system is just too old to be supported, I just know thats a thing, dk if thats true in ur case. cant think of anything else sadly ;((

i jumped on a danger and it killed me

nice game :D



FINALLY done that last level gave me flash backs to the path of pain my god... it took me 1 and half hours until I finished it of (T-T)

speed runing the first level 2 minute run


who is gonna tell him

im not B)

Not I :3


what those guys wanted to say was that there r no levels and its more hard than just that so don't think more than yourself ok 

guys this man is lying trust us bro there's nothing we have to tell you

how did you add an online version and downloads




(1 edit)

i beated little runmo i got  to drink king then the rest then new gameplay  so  I went to meatball man i beated both sides so I was like nah I think its too long to rec up to the spin whell secret ending

ok thanks for tutorial ;d



i like this game alot

thank you so much funny guy, I appreciate that fr😍

i wanna throw wrecking ball out the window but he will probrably do it to me first.


The hit box while taunting stays the same, it can lead to some funny situations 


He gets a little silly sometimes

bro became immortale just to sit

İts an amazing game. I realy loved it. The pixel art and level design is pretty good.

Really impressive that someone remade the game as an actual game. The lack of teleport points is too annoying for me to finish but the mechanics are on point!


Digital Circus person made this!


Little Runmo breaks their canon event.

This is such an insanely fun and funny game, I got stuck in the first bit for ages because I just kept climbing the metal wall and splatting down because the sprite was so funny to me! 20/10 this is so so amazing

I would like a mobile port 

This is an incredible game. If it had more content I would be willing to pay $15-$20 for it, but even as it stands, it's definitely worth a couple dollars. The fact that it's on here for free is insane!

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